Assistant Professor
Stanford University
Educational Background
- Ph.D, Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan - 2015
- Graduate Certificate, Plasma Science and Engineering, University of Michigan - 2015
- M.Eng., Aeronautics & Astronautics, University of Tokyo - 2010
- B.S., Aeronautics & Astronautics, University of Tokyo - 2008
Research Interests
- Electric Propulsion
- Plasma Physics and Applications
- Kinetic Theory and Simulations
- Computational Fluid Dynamics
Awards & Honors
- Department of Energy Early Career Research Program Award, 2018
- Air Force Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) Award, 2018
- JPL Summer Faculty Research Fellow, 2017
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2015
- IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Graduate Scholarship Award, 2015
- Outstanding Student Paper Award, 41st IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, 2014
- Richard F. and Eleanor A. Towner Prize for Distinguished Academic Achievement, University of Michigan, 2013
- Best Student Presentation Award, 41st Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2010
Selected Publications
- K. Hara, I. Barth, E. Kaminski, I. Y. Dodin, and N. J. Fisch, "Kinetic simulations of ladder climbing by electron plasma waves", Physical Review E, 95, 053212 (2017)
- K. M. Hanquist, K. Hara, and I. D. Boyd, "Detailed Modeling of Electron Emission for Transpiration Cooling of Hypersonic Vehicles", Journal of Applied Physics 121, 053302 (2017)
- K. Hara, T. Chapman, J. W. Banks, S. Brunner, I. Joseph, R. L. Berger, and I. D. Boyd, "Quantitative study of trapped particle bunching instability in Langmuir waves", Physics of Plasmas 22, 022104, (2015)
- K. Hara, M. J. Sekerak, I. D. Boyd, and A. D. Gallimore, "Perturbation analysis of ionization oscillations in Hall eff ect thrusters", Physics of Plasmas 21, 122103, (2014)
- K. Hara, M. J. Sekerak, I. D. Boyd, and A. D. Gallimore, "Mode transition of a Hall thruster discharge plasma", Journal of Applied Physics 115, 203304 (2014)
- K. Hara, I. D. Boyd, and V. I. Kolobov, "One-dimensional hybrid-direct kinetic simulation of the discharge plasma in a Hall thruster", Physics of Plasmas 19, 113508 (2012)