The JANUS Institute Onboarding & Expectations for members: Updated 10.16.2023
Welcome to the JANUS Institute
It is great to have you on the JANUS team. Please take a moment to review the Institute expectations.
Please know that this is in addition to your individual academic and research expectations.
- Contact the Project Director to introduce yourself and request to be added to Institute communications and invitations. Send an email to tanya.krawiec@gatech.edu.
- Make sure you understand the operating procedures for your research areas and review the JANUS Institute decision tree. If you have any questions or don’t know who to contact, then contact tanya.krawiec@gatech.edu
- Meetings
Per the proposal, members of the Institute are required to attend pillar meetings, monthly meetings, bi-annual and annual reviews. Additional technical talks, breakout sessions, 1:1 sessions will be available as requested. Members will be expected to present at these meetings as requested. At least one project representative is expected to be present at Institute meetings to provide updates.
- Students notify their advisers if unable to attend events
- PI’s notify Mitchell Walker and Tanya Krawiec with conflicts
- Posters
Every student funded by JANUS is expected to present a minimum of 2 posters per year using the JANUS poster template.
- Conferences
Every student is expected to attend a minimum of one conference per year and is encouraged to present at the conference. This is discussed and planned with the students’ advisers.
- Travel
It is encouraged that students travel to other JANUS sites throughout their time on the JANUS project. This is discussed and planned with the students’ advisers.
- Reporting
- Annual and Quarterly Reports
The JANUS Institute is required to submit 4 quarterly reports per year with the third quarter report being the annual report. Students are expected to work closely with their advisers to submit their project content each quarter. In most cases the students will prepare the first draft for the advisers. Activities include meeting with Pillar leads and following provided templates.
- Statement of work
Each fall (around Sept 15) a statement of work is due. The individual SOW’s align with Institute activities. Students work with their advisers to make sure these are submitted and approved by the pillar lead and Institute Director
- Publications
In addition to publishing and writing papers students are expected to update a running log of any publication or intended publication. This data is logged a minimum of 4 times per year but is readily available as needed. This is tracked by NASA.
The JANUS Institute Decision Tree: How decisions are made and Who to contact: Updated 10.16.2023
Director Decisions
If you have a question on the items below, please contact the Institute Director, Mitchell Walker
- Funding for subawards
- Budget reallocations or changes
- Research Progress and SOW approval for the Institute
- NASA approvals
- Implementing themes and templates for meeting and reporting
- Research alignment and conflicts
Institute Decisions
- Yearly goals:
Each member of the leadership team brings input from their pillars. The leadership teams formulate the JANUS yearly goals and activities from this input, proposal requirements, proposal milestones, and feedback from NASA. Final approval is from the JANUS Director.
- Questions about yearly goals are directed to Pillar leads.
- Pillar leads bring items to the Leadership Team Bi-weekly meetings
- Statements of work:
Each PI creates a statement of work each fall. This process is internal to the Institute and the SOWs are shared with all CO-I’s. Pillar leads will guide the SOW’s development to align with the Institute, the CO-I’s research, and incorporate collaboration opportunities across the Institute.
- Questions about internal statements of work are directed to Pillar leads.
- Sub-Team/Committee selection:
When sub teams or committees are created Leadership considers the best fit for the need, the research, and bandwidth of the individuals being considered. Pillar leads must agree before the discussion moves forward. Student-led committees should have representation from each University and pillar. Advisers are asked to nominate individuals to serve on these committees, but others are welcome to join.
- Questions about sub teams and committees are directed towards Tanya Krawiec who will forward as needed.
- Meetings
Per the proposal, members of the Institute are required to attend pillar meetings, monthly meetings, bi-annual and annual reviews. Additional technical talks, breakout sessions, 1:1 sessions will be available as requested. Members will be expected to present at these meetings as requested. A project representative is expected to be present at Institute meetings to provide updates.
- Students notify their advisers if unable to attend events
- Co-I’s notify Mitchell Walker and Tanya Krawiec with conflicts
Lab Decisions
If you have a question on the items below, please contact the lab director or the designee. Note: the lab director may not be your adviser but is responsible for communicating all activity and cost to the appropriate individuals.
- Lab hours, staffing, access, scheduling
- Safety concerns & unsafe working conditions
- Broken equipment
- Data management
- Ordering materials, supplies, equipment
- Lab work assignments
- Visitors: Who is allowed in lab? Visiting labs?
Research Decisions
Research efforts may be adjusted based on Institute needs, NASA feedback, availability of resources, equipment, and lab space. Decisions are made at all levels of the Institute to show alignment and collaboration.
Typically, research decisions should first be discussed in this order:
- Within your team
- Within your pillar
- With Institute Director
There are instances where the Leadership may reach out to a PI to discuss research adjustments required for the Institute.
Technical Decisions/questions
JANUS provides a safe space for students and CO-I’s to contact each other to collaborate and engage in open technical discussions. Students are encouraged to reach out to other students and Co-I’s directly.
That said, understanding the bandwidth and availability of researchers and faculty we don’t want anyone to get discouraged or feel like they are not being heard so the following order can be followed.
Steps to collaborate:
- Feel free to reach out directly to the individual.
- Ask your adviser to connect you to the individual or group outside your research group.
- Submit a request to Tanya Krawiec to connect you to others outside your research group.
HR and Employment related decisions
If you have a question on the items below, please contact the Human Resource contact for the Department.
- Hiring and Payment issues
- Harassment in the workplace
- Unfair practices in the workplace
- Life-threating concerns about co-worker
- Discrimination concerns

The JANUS Institute Onboarding & Expectations for members: Updated 10.16.2023
Welcome to the JANUS Institute
It is great to have you on the JANUS team. Please take a moment to review the Institute expectations.
Please know that this is in addition to your individual academic and research expectations.
- Contact the Project Director to introduce yourself and request to be added to Institute communications and invitations. Send an email to tanya.krawiec@gatech.edu.
- Make sure you understand the operating procedures for your research areas and review the JANUS Institute decision tree. If you have any questions or don’t know who to contact, then contact tanya.krawiec@gatech.edu
- Meetings
Per the proposal, members of the Institute are required to attend pillar meetings, monthly meetings, bi-annual and annual reviews. Additional technical talks, breakout sessions, 1:1 sessions will be available as requested. Members will be expected to present at these meetings as requested. At least one project representative is expected to be present at Institute meetings to provide updates.
- Students notify their advisers if unable to attend events
- PI’s notify Mitchell Walker and Tanya Krawiec with conflicts
- Posters
Every student funded by JANUS is expected to present a minimum of 2 posters per year using the JANUS poster template.
- Conferences
Every student is expected to attend a minimum of one conference per year and is encouraged to present at the conference. This is discussed and planned with the students’ advisers.
- Travel
It is encouraged that students travel to other JANUS sites throughout their time on the JANUS project. This is discussed and planned with the students’ advisers.
- Reporting
- Annual and Quarterly Reports
The JANUS Institute is required to submit 4 quarterly reports per year with the third quarter report being the annual report. Students are expected to work closely with their advisers to submit their project content each quarter. In most cases the students will prepare the first draft for the advisers. Activities include meeting with Pillar leads and following provided templates.
- Statement of work
Each fall (around Sept 15) a statement of work is due. The individual SOW’s align with Institute activities. Students work with their advisers to make sure these are submitted and approved by the pillar lead and Institute Director
- Publications
In addition to publishing and writing papers students are expected to update a running log of any publication or intended publication. This data is logged a minimum of 4 times per year but is readily available as needed. This is tracked by NASA.
The JANUS Institute Decision Tree: How decisions are made and Who to contact: Updated 10.16.2023
Director Decisions
If you have a question on the items below, please contact the Institute Director, Mitchell Walker
- Funding for subawards
- Budget reallocations or changes
- Research Progress and SOW approval for the Institute
- NASA approvals
- Implementing themes and templates for meeting and reporting
- Research alignment and conflicts
Institute Decisions
- Yearly goals:
Each member of the leadership team brings input from their pillars. The leadership teams formulate the JANUS yearly goals and activities from this input, proposal requirements, proposal milestones, and feedback from NASA. Final approval is from the JANUS Director.
- Questions about yearly goals are directed to Pillar leads.
- Pillar leads bring items to the Leadership Team Bi-weekly meetings
- Statements of work:
Each PI creates a statement of work each fall. This process is internal to the Institute and the SOWs are shared with all CO-I’s. Pillar leads will guide the SOW’s development to align with the Institute, the CO-I’s research, and incorporate collaboration opportunities across the Institute.
- Questions about internal statements of work are directed to Pillar leads.
- Sub-Team/Committee selection:
When sub teams or committees are created Leadership considers the best fit for the need, the research, and bandwidth of the individuals being considered. Pillar leads must agree before the discussion moves forward. Student-led committees should have representation from each University and pillar. Advisers are asked to nominate individuals to serve on these committees, but others are welcome to join.
- Questions about sub teams and committees are directed towards Tanya Krawiec who will forward as needed.
- Meetings
Per the proposal, members of the Institute are required to attend pillar meetings, monthly meetings, bi-annual and annual reviews. Additional technical talks, breakout sessions, 1:1 sessions will be available as requested. Members will be expected to present at these meetings as requested. A project representative is expected to be present at Institute meetings to provide updates.
- Students notify their advisers if unable to attend events
- Co-I’s notify Mitchell Walker and Tanya Krawiec with conflicts
Lab Decisions
If you have a question on the items below, please contact the lab director or the designee. Note: the lab director may not be your adviser but is responsible for communicating all activity and cost to the appropriate individuals.
- Lab hours, staffing, access, scheduling
- Safety concerns & unsafe working conditions
- Broken equipment
- Data management
- Ordering materials, supplies, equipment
- Lab work assignments
- Visitors: Who is allowed in lab? Visiting labs?
Research Decisions
Research efforts may be adjusted based on Institute needs, NASA feedback, availability of resources, equipment, and lab space. Decisions are made at all levels of the Institute to show alignment and collaboration.
Typically, research decisions should first be discussed in this order:
- Within your team
- Within your pillar
- With Institute Director
There are instances where the Leadership may reach out to a PI to discuss research adjustments required for the Institute.
Technical Decisions/questions
JANUS provides a safe space for students and CO-I’s to contact each other to collaborate and engage in open technical discussions. Students are encouraged to reach out to other students and Co-I’s directly.
That said, understanding the bandwidth and availability of researchers and faculty we don’t want anyone to get discouraged or feel like they are not being heard so the following order can be followed.
Steps to collaborate:
- Feel free to reach out directly to the individual.
- Ask your adviser to connect you to the individual or group outside your research group.
- Submit a request to Tanya Krawiec to connect you to others outside your research group.
HR and Employment related decisions
If you have a question on the items below, please contact the Human Resource contact for the Department.
- Hiring and Payment issues
- Harassment in the workplace
- Unfair practices in the workplace
- Life-threating concerns about co-worker
- Discrimination concerns